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Nils Planken

Dr. R. Nils Planken is cardiovascular radiologist at the AmsterdamUMC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research focus is clinical application, implementation and optimization of innovative non-invasive diagnostic imaging techniques. Recently he successfully implemented whole-heart 4D flow MRI in routine clinical practice for hemodynamic assessment of heart-valve pathology and congenital heart disease. He also was in the lead for successful clinical implementation of non-invasive computed tomography coronary angiography as a substitute for invasive coronary angiography. He published over 130 peer-reviewed papers and is a successful applicant, project leader and WP-leader of several (inter)national, (multi)center, multi-disciplenary reserearch projects including ARCH (EU-FP7 STREP), DEBUT LRP (Health Holland), iCORONARY (ZonMw), CLEAR-CAD (ZE&GG, ZonMw).

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